ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Whoa… update!

So I've been busy lately. Busy with what? You might ask… Well, aside from the numerous hobbies that I seem to do, and the different “sponsitilities” I have (both online and offline), I've been busy with concurrent website clients! I'm also talking to my brother (the one who lives in Italy) everyday and I find our random musings and conversations about nothing most enjoyable. For instance, we seem to be engrossed (although, he would insist that I'm the only one that found this amusing) in this odd video. Sick sick video. LOL.

I started reading a new book today. Actually, I'm reading 4 books right now. The first one is the book I listed as one of my current favorites, Le Morte D'Arthur (see the link on the left). The other 3 books are Mastering the Basics of Photography (yes, I'm still reading it!), The Elements of Style, 4th Ed. and (I kid you not!) How to Shit in the Woods. I've only read the first chapter and already, the book is a page turner! I don't want to divulge too much info, for fear of spoiling the book to anyone that reads this, but I want to say this — get this book! If you're an outdoor enthusiast, hiker, trekker, whatever, this book is pretty helpful! If you're just weird like me, get it anyway — it's that good. LOL! (I think I have a new “white elephant” present to give to people… nyehehehehe)

Okie… gotta get back to being busy again.



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