ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]


Ah, I'm still busy with schtuff, but I wanted to post an update, so my site doesn't go stale again (sort of).

Let's see… I finally finished one of the books I'm reading (How to Sh*t in the Woods) and I have a greater respect for anyone who can properly “ease” themselves in the woods. And you people should really read it because it discusses other environmental factors and sh*t. 😛

I began my cross-training for my half-marathon yesterday with a 48-minute session of “Energy” Tae Bo. Tonight, it's going to be “Strength” and then back to “Energy” — I'm hoping, that by next week, I'll actually incorporate runs into my training (since that's what I'll be doing in December!) Let's go a tangent, shall we? My sisters wanted to take swimming lessons at the local pool; when they got there last night, they didn't pre-register so were turned away! HAHA silly sisters. I just <3 making fun of them (since that's what little sisters are for!) Anyway, I might be joining them on some evenings to go lap swimming. I'm working on my upper body and breathing technique so that in time, I can join my sis for her sprint triathlons.

And now, the games… I began playing The Sims again because I can't wait for The Sims 2 to be released! Ah, go visit that site and check out the preview video for The Sims 2! It's great!

Until my next update,


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