Workout Records ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

12-weeks (plus plus)

Monday: Strength and Stretching — DONE!.

I haven't actually started running, but I feel good. 🙂 A few hours ago, I completed another cool session of Tae Bo (“Energy”) and I'm wide awake. I think I'm going to bump my cross-training earlier in the evening, so I'm not too hyped before bedtime! That, or I can really really tire myself to the point of exhaustion (LOL); I'll just go with the former.

Ahhhh… Food alert! I had way too much to eat for supper, too. That's probably another reason why I will stay up late tonight; I don't wanna get indigestion. Hehe. Too much information for you? Let's move on…. 😛

They're adding capes to this game I play, City of Heroes. Now, aside from the different spandex superhero costumes available, one can also add a cape to their hero! The game is really fun (much more entertaining if you're a fan of comic books!) GEEKS OF THE WORLD, UNITE!

Speaking of geeky, I haven't had PEZ in a while! Come to think of it, I have no clue where my collection of PEZ dispensers are kept! ACK! I know I packed them last year… It's prolly still in one of the unopened boxes stored in the garage (I hope) Mmmm… I have a craving for PEZ candy right now (note to self: after run, go shopping for PEZ) 😀 (p.s., OMG —> Darth Vader PEZ dispenser)

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