Workout Records ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Week 2! (erm, 1!)

I'm re-doing week 1 of my half-marathon novice training guide. I got so lazy by Thursday last week, that I have to make it up! Anyway, stay tuned for more updates.

In other news, I am so addicted to these tiny microwavable hamburgers called “White Castle Hamburgers” — they're yummy! I don't know why I haven't tried them before. I guess I'm the ultimate consumer; I see it on TV and want to buy it. I didn't actually see a “White Castle Hamburger” commercial, though. I saw this article on the History Channel about the history of White Castle hamburgers (among other food company they were profiling) and I found it interesting. I suppose it helped a lot that as I saw the documentary, I was hungry >.<... So if you haven't tried them yet, go look for them in your grocer's freezer. Or, if you're fortunate enough to live in the same city as one of their stores, just go in person and order a fresh burger or two. While you're there, send me a photo of their store! 😀

I had supper with a couple of friends last night. I had a great time, mostly because my friend's sons played Zelda: Four Swords (for GBA) with me! That is one interesting game; I don't know why I've ignored it this long. I might just get it (after getting Pok

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