Workout Records ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Back on track…

…on the training track, that is!

I've satisfied today's running mileage of 3 miles by running at the Redondo/Torrance Beach strand. It was a beautiful evening, as usual. I'm really hoping to go swimming tomorrow (as part of my cross-training). The last time I went swimming (2 Sundays ago), I could only manage to swim 150 metres and soon gave up! Ugh. Not again. I think I have more endurance now, because of Tae Bo's “Energy” and “Strength” programs. I should actually do the third one (“Endurance”)… That might actually help… hehehe…

In other news, the Olympics are here (well, technically, in Greece) and so far, the coverage sucks — thank you NBC for the mediocre coverage. Anyway, if you want to see the medal count, click me.

And finally, I got to play my guitar again. I was the main guitar accompaniment (main, because our “lead guitarist” is on holiday) and boy was I nervous! I think I was able to pull it off without a hitch — ok, so I made a mistake with a transition or two… >.< I'm hoping to get better and become a "regular" guitarist at the Sunday mass. For now, I have to practice singing and playing the guitar (I'm not that coordinated to do both... yet!)


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