ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Another great week…

…has passed. It was a little more hectic than last week, but activity (in whatever form) is always good. As usual, I moved around my training schedule — the good news is, I got it done. This sunday, I'm running 5 miles with my sister (yes, the sis who dropped me from her training!) and we're going to run on this bike path in Palos Verdes. I'm hoping the weather will be agreeable.

Anyway, it's late, I still have to shower, and I still need my beauty rest. Before I go, here's a parting photo (for the full-version, go to my gallery):

My message was was written on a GBU 31 v3, JDAM — it's a 2000lbs penetrator precision guided munition. Hehehe


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