ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

I made it.

Post-race update: Per my blog title above, I made it. I completed the 4th Annual Arden Energy Challenge race, the 6.2 miles that was a mostly hilly course in a pathetic time of 1 hour 16 mins and 29 seconds (there were grandparents at the race who were faster than me!) Anyway, that'll teach me to NOT take a 3-week break from my training program! ACK! It also didn't help that I didn't have dinner the night before… I kind of forgot to eat >.< But the grainy energy bar I had plus water in the morning got me through the morning.

Overall, though, the race was fine; the weather was overcast and party sunny… After the race, there were the usual booths that gave out free bagels and shmear, fruit smoothies, energy drinks, and PASTA! LOL I was so hungry afterwards, I helped myself to two “servings” of the portobello mushroom ravioli (my mouth still waters thinking about it)… I guess my sis and I got our twenty-five dollars' worth of freebies (each) and somewhat recovered from the race fee. Also, I broke-in my boots and I have to say, my feet are fine; I think I might just run in them at the half-marathon… Speaking of half-marathons…

Sheryl, if you're reading this (HI!), the OC Marathon does have a 5K event! It's on the same day as the Marathon and half-marathon, December 5, 2004 probably at 8:00AM (although, on the website, the time says TBD) and the fee is $25 if you pay before November 1st ($30 thereafter). So yah — JOIN IN and I'll see you there! Go to their website for more info, ok? 🙂

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