ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Quotable quote.

Well, I've finished packing for NYC (sort of). I actually have to unpack some stuff now. I put way too much clothes — I thought my sister hasn't packed yet, so I was packing for her as well. It turns out, the small stack of clothes that was already in the luggage was hers (and that was it!) — I thought it was just stuff she put so that she can add more stuff later. Anyway, I definitely have to take some stuff out 'cuz I think I have enough clothes for a week or two. I hate packing. Ugh.

I came across a quote from, out of all places, a movie. It goes like this:

Courage isn't the absence of fear; It is the presence of fear, yet the will to go on.

So guess where I got that? Give up? It was in the movie Black Knight. Yes, that movie starring Martin Lawrence. Yes, it was cheesy, but I still watched it (and now, have quoted something from it). I really don't know why I thought of that quote right now, especially as I'm preparing for my trip.

Ok, back to packing. I still have to pack some toiletries (i.e., shampoo, conditioner, et al.), pack an umbrella, pack my phone charger, and switch purses… Alrighty… I'll try to make a post from the Big Apple!

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