ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

I'm back.

Got home last night. Dead tired. Got up this morning. Dead tired. NYC was loads of fun! Cheers to Barry, Josh, Tim and Kenny for taking ridiculous train rides to meet me in NYC. You guys are truly (for lack of a better word) awesome! Also kudos to Sam (aka viridius of GT) — you're one cool (and smart) dude! This should dispel any myths about meeting people you met online in real-life. e.g., we're all not weirdoes! ROFL!

Anyway, I'm going to post some photos today — I used up by 256MB SD card! I even had to delete some pics to make room for more… I might just get a larger SD card because of the sensory overload in NYC! I'll try to write about it some more later… 'm Too exited to checkout my photos.

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