ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Ewww, body fat!

First of, I need to lose 11.6 pounds. I'm not losing it for vanity or anything California-ish like that — I'm losing it to be healthier. Seriously. Also, I have a HIGH body fat percentage rating. That's NOT good. The percentage is actually more of in the “High” close to “Very High” rating. Again, I know that ratings are not 100% accurate, but erm, I think it's a BIG indication that I need to do something and not just be selective about training.

That being said, this reality check has made me, erm, realize, that I should be stricter with myself in terms of following my training schedule. I haven't run (anything higher than 3 miles) in weeks and the half-marathon is less than 2 weeks away. I know I can't just jump-start myself to doing it, but I have to. So tomorrow, at this time, I should be doing Tae Bo; I mean a 40-minute break from work to do Tae Bo is definitely do-able! Then, I really have to run on Tuesday (5 miles) and do another cross-training session on Monday. My sister has already opted to help me out on Friday morning; We're going to run 10 miles and I am not looking back after that!

Foooocus… FOOOOCUUS!

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