Workout Records ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Tae Bo + Eye Groove

Ok, I didn't exactly complete my Tae Bo exercise this evening (I did about 30 minutes out of a 48 minute exercise) because I caught sight of our rarely-use PS2 game, Eye Groove. So, I cut my Tae Bo short and popped in the Eye Groove game. Of course, I put it on “Calorie Mode” so I know how much “calories” I'd be losing while “playing” — ahem, I'm really working out! 😛

So there, I think I'm on my way back to my training. I just need to run 5 miles tomorrow to make sure that I'm on track. Hurrah!

p.s., I changed the channel to Fox 11 which is currently playing… “The Swan“… /me runs!

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