ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Post-run (mini) scare. DVD additions.

I ran 5 miles today. It's actually the first training run over 3 miles that I've done in a while and I did not take a walk break! Granted, my pace was inconsistent throughout the run (varied from 10:30 thru 12:30), my overall average pace is 11:58 (according to the watch anyway). It was a pretty good run — a bit too dark for my tastes, as there weren't enough streelamps to light the path. I'd often go into “Alias” mode and be uber-aware of what was in front of me and would look back once in a while, ready to strike if needed. Do I sound paranoid? Yes, probably — but better paranoid than sorry, eh?

So what is this Post-run mini scare, you might ask? Well, after my lovely evening run, I did my cool down walk, a bit of stretching and got to my car. Then I attempted to start the car and… It wouldn't start! I mean, it would “power” up a bit and then die down, the battery light and water light both lit. So I called my sister (in a panic) and asked for some suggestions. She said it might be 'drowning in gas?' so I followed her instructions (to unflood the gas thingy? I dunno). Still, it wouldn't start. I attempted turning of the alarm manually (I have a super-secret switch) and it still didn't work. I turn the alarm back on, lock my car, unlock my car and attempted to start the car. The engine wouldn't fully-fire up. Then I got really frustrated and just turned the ignition on, and held it, until my engine finally started. *Sigh of relief* I thought that I was in the clear so I started getting outta the beach parking lot and a few blocks down the street, at a stop light, my engine died! EEEK! I turned my hazard lights on, and attempted the same procedure (switch the ignition on until engine started). I revved up a bit and drove as fast as I could home (within the speed limits of course *wink*) and occassionally putting it to “Neutral” and revving the engine when at a stop light. Obviously, I got home, but that was totally scary. I haven't the money for a new car, and I really don't want my car to have anything wrong with it (I'm hoping it's just a glitch) because I have other plans for the holiday than spend my $$$ for repairs! ACK!

In other news, I'm building up my DVD collection again. I have some new additions and will be updating my DVD database soon. Here's a link to my collection and here are the newest additions (in no particular order):

Scary Movie 3
Mean Girls
Master with Cracked Fingers (Jackie Chan)
Fist of Fear, Touch of Death (Bruce Lee)
The Chinese Connection (Bruce Lee)
13 Going on 30
Love Actually
8 Mile — ROFL. Don't ask… I got it for my brother, the wannabe rapper. j/k Jeri!
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
Anger Management
Starsky and Hutch

Of course, I didn't pay full price for any of these DVDs. The first 3 listed, I got at Hollywood Video (their used DVDs). The rest (except for Harry Potter) I got via these DVD membership services, and Harry Potter (thanks to Jeremy!), I got for only $12.99 plus tax! Hurray for Dee vee dees!

I nearly forget that I got these 3 as well (all for $21 shipped!):
Charlie's Angels
Leon the Professional International Uncut Versions
Tomb Raider

Eep.. gotta go, I need to cook supper for my masters– erm, sisters! 🙂

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