ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Snow and rain.

My friends and I went to Big Bear Mountain for a day trip of Snowboarding yesterday and it was awesome! …until it started raining. It was kewl and fun, though; I've never gone 'boarding in light rain/drizzle before. Plus, I got to rent this board with really kewl bindings. At first, I was a bit skeptical about Flow bindings, but after using them for the entire day, I liked them. Of course, they're much more expensive than regular ratched/strap-on style bindings, so I might want to consider that as I'm planning on getting snowboard gear this winter!

Anyway, I can't believe November is about to end and Christmas is near! It seems as if November just started last week. My half-marathon is next week to this day. I think I'll be ok. I ran 10 miles the other day and was fine. So I'm not freaking out as much anymore.

Happy First Day of Advent!

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