ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

History Channel.

While working today, I left my TV turned on and flipped through the channels until I hit the History Channel. They had their documentary program, “Modern Marvels” on and the feature was “Bathroom Tech – The history of bathing and showering; how modern plumbing systems work; history of oral hygiene.” I have no clue why I was so mesmerized by this program. I even have no clue why I seem to be mesmerized with sh– erm, poop. As you know, I have the “How to Sh*t in the Woods” manual/book and until recently, wanted to get my own copy of “Everyone Poops” a.k.a., the Poop book. Don't get me wrong, I don't fancy fake poop or anything like that, but does this poop obsession stem from something in my past (e.g., potty training) or what? I suppose I can continue this poop ponder.

In other news, I've been doing most of my Christmas shopping online. I wish that more stores offered free shipping, though 'cuz the fees alone is quite expensive. It's kewl, though, since I get more than one item in an online store for multiple people, so it's not that bad. Oh yeah, we don't have our Christmas tree yet!

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