Somizzle in onizzle of thizzle mizzle mizzle I post in postizzle thizzle lizzle. I thizzle it's hizzle and thizzle my entizzle post hizzle wizzle bizzle in Snoop Dog lizzle. Why? Bizzle I wizzle it to bizzle. In any cizzle, I just nizzle a fizzle post bizzle I hizzle postizzle in about 3 dizzle anywizzle. So thizzle! *razz*
(Someone in one of the many messageboards I post in posted this link. I think it's hilarious and that my entire post here will be in Snoop Dog language. Why? Because I want it to be. In any case, I just needed a filler post because I haven't posted in about 3 days anyway. So there! *razz*)
Oh yah, the obligatory link.