ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]


I need to run — I haven't gone for a run in a while. I think my last run was 3 miles and it was a week ago (or prolly 2 weeks ago). I'm too lazy to get dressed in running gear, drive to the beach, find parking… I need to motivate myself to start running again. I mean, my cross-training exercises (Tae Bo and Badminton) are great and I hate to say it, but there's something about running that's exhilarating. I can't believe I just said that. I used to be super bored whenever I go run! Ahhhh… What's happening to me?!

In other news, I got a bruise just below my knee when I went snowboarding on Tuesday last week. I guess I hit my knee (or that part anyway) really hard because it's just beginning to discolor right now. Gross huh? The funny thing is, it didn't hurt and I almost forgot about it until I had to depliate my legs (LOL sorry, I know — too much info! :P)… Again, I can't believe I just typed that.

Well, I gotta get my beauty rest again… G'night! Round 3 of being busy begins tomorrow.

p.s., Chelsea defeats Bar

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