ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Moved… some stuff…

Well, I moved most of my stuff into my *new* room. Actually, I moved my computer, and that's about it >.<

I have yet to move the rest of my crap — mini LCD TV, VCR (yes, I'm old skool), clothes!, files, toys and so on. I might not even finish the moving this week, not because of so much crap, but because I'll be sooooo busy with my church work.

Holy week is coming up and for me, it's more like HELL week. By the way, I'm still considering if I should update my giornale during Holy Week… Maybe I'll shut down the site just for a week (or put a splash header or summat). I haven't decided yet.

Back to my moving: my desk is a LOT smaller now, but I created a makeshift desk out of two bookcases that go about 30″ high, and used these MDF shelves as the top of the table. So, my CPU is sitting on the makeshift desk, while my monitor (and LCD tv) will be on my desk. It's actually nice to have ZERO clutter on my desk. In a few days, it'll be filled with clutter again… Oh well… ^_^

Until my next update!

p.s., I “played” my first guitar piece with arpeggios today (during mass). Of course, I've played my guitar at church before but this is only like, the 4th time that I played it and it was a song I haven't really played before. 🙂 I don't think I sucked. I mean, no one came up after mass and said, “You suck”… Then again, it was church, so maybe people won't go up and say “suck”… >.<

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