How kewl — I got my Blue kit today in the mail which I won off eBay 😮
It's signed by Frank Lampard (yes, Lamps himself!) — of course, I'm not sure if it's authentic. There's a so-called “Certificate of Authenticity” however, it was made by the seller, so yah… *rolls eyes* Either way, I think it's a great deal. I'll try to take a photo of it and and show you my new jersey! 😀
In other news, while washing the dishes this evening (yes, I'm finally domesticised (Mum should be proud!) >.< I pondered... When some people ask you, "How are you?" (or its variations "How's it going, etc.."), do you always answer them truthfully/sincerely or lie? I mean, let's say it's Thursday, and Monday thru Wednesday were bad days, do you answer "I'm good today" or "My week's sucked so far..."; I mean, if it's a close friend, I suppose you can tell them. But what if it's a stranger, or a person at the store -- what would you say then? And would you go on and on, on how bad your week has been?
Without trying to be confusing (too late :P), I suppose some ask “How are you” without even thinking about it, and then out of habit, some just answer “good” or “ok”… I don't really know where I'm going with this so I'm gonna stop. +_+