Workout Records[Posted on ]

Training: 3 miles

Distance: 3.13 miles (5.03 Kilometres)
Time: 0:35:24
Date: May 28, 2005

My sis and I ran on the strand at Torrance/Redondo Beach. Considering I haven't run since the Nike Cinco de Mile (1 mile) race, I would say I did well this morning. It was overcast and a bit cool, which helped a lot; I don't know why, but I like cloudy days better than bright and sunny… This is great training for my race on Monday in Laguna Hills (which actually counts as training for my Chicago Marathon 18-week training schedule). It obviously won't help me, that in a few hours, I'll be eating and drinking at my friend's Memorial Day party. Oh well. >.< Party on!

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