ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

What I learned on Memorial Day.

  1. I realise that I'm quite lucky to be living in the good 'ol US of A and am extremely thankful for those currently serving in the armed forces; I am grateful and will pray for those disabled veterans and those that have lost their lives to preserve the freedom in this country. You'll never really know how 'free' the States is unless you've lived elsewhere (IMHO… speaking from my own experiences).
  2. I like 3-day weekends.
  3. Don't try to outrun a running pack of fit and able OC Sheriff trainees, unless: a) you're fitter than them; b) you're on a motorbike or vehicle.
  4. Don't try to eat every single free sample at a post-run Expo.
  5. See above and Imodium is your friend.
  6. I like 3-day weekends. I like eating continuously during 3-day celebrations.
  7. Running on Saturday and Monday does not negate the calories that you have eaten more than you have in a given week in one weekend (but it does help)
  8. See #4.
  9. Sleep is not optional and I won't wait 'til I'm dead to catch a few Zzz's.
  10. Don't feel bad if you don't include your pets in the festivities. If eating too much gives you diarrhea and indigestion; think of what it'll do to them.


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