ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]


I am addicted to action films.

Ok, maybe the word 'addicted' is too much. Let's just say I have a strong liking for that genre; regardless of its cheesyness (word?). For instance, I'm watching the end of In the Line of Fire with Clint Eastwood and John Malkovich. My favorite part of the movie? When Clint Eastwood yells “gun!” and takes the bullet for the president. You can't do that with Computer Graphics Imagery (CGI). I also love big explosions and car chases. They're the best, IMHO, even if they're cheaply-made…

I 'blame' this on my Dad. He has a passion for all things cheesy (slapstick comedy flicks, low-budget action films, high-budget action films…) and I think I've inherited it. Of course, my sisters would claim that they like action flicks, too (along with my brothers). I guess the kids in our family love action flicks… all thanks to Daddy.

I can't even name all the countless films we've seen together as a family, the bulk of them being action/adventure-type movies. Come to think of it, that's prolly why Mum rarely ever watched a flick with us… She doesn't like the shouting and shooting in the same scene ;)…


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