ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Happy Birthday, Mum!

First off — Happy Birthday to my dear Mum! Hope you had a great time today… Enjoy the iPod Shuffle! 🙂

Now that I've got that out of the way, I'm still waiting for my HDD to arrive in the post. Guess what else I'm waiting for? My two Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (HP Book #6) books! Buy.com sux0rz as they mailed my book via USPS, while Amazon.co.uk mailed it via Royal Mail (e.g., slow as hech). Now my little bro (who's not really so little as he's 17 now) is reading the book before me… We got his copy at Costco. AHHHHHHH!! All this waiting and I have to wait some more.

Please don't post any spoilers about HP, else suffer the wrath that is RaDragon. 😛

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