ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Flight Departed.

Well, tonight, my mum, and two sistahs have checked-in, boarded, and departed for the Philippines via Los Angeles International Airport. Meanwhile, my bros and I stay here, Stateside, and do our own little prayer and memorial for our departed grandfather.

Gosh, I have little to no recollection of the streets back in the Philippines. I mean, I can probably map out in my mind, how to get to my grandparents' house from our old home there, but my memory is a bit foggy; oddly enough, my memory is filled with the streets of Amman, Jordan! It's easier to remember how to navigate around there rather than the Philippines. Maybe it's because I was almost a wee lass when I left la mia patria and sort of grew up in Jordan… I dunno.

Oh yah — I keep forgetting to email Herman and Rick — if you guys are reading this: there's an Apple store opening in Manhattan Beach (Manhattan Village Mall) this Saturday morning (10AM), and the first 1000 customers get a free t-shirt! 🙂 Free is free, right? Anyway, I have to pickup a waterproof case for my bro's iPod, so I might as well take advantage of the schwag. CALL ME if you want to go (I'm going either way, but it'd be cool to go to a grand opening 'cuz they mentioned something about free training classes/tips, etc., as well).

So back to reminiscing. I wonder what happened to my school mates. I mean, I went to an English (British) school, and most of my professors were Brits, but a majority of my mates were from the Middle East (some locals [Jordanian], most from neighboring Arab countries and others from Eastern + Western Europe.) You can literally count on one hand the number of Asians in that school (there were 5 of us — 1 Taiwanese, 1 Indian, and my 2 bros and I) and I definitely felt like a 'double-minority' there — being non-Arab and non-Muslim. I remember writing to at least 3 of my mates up to 2 years after secondary school. However, after that, I haven't a clue what happened to them. If you're an alumnus of New English School (in Khalda, Jordan) and you remember me, send me an email. No terrorists need reply. 😛 j/k!!!! alsdkfjasldfasdf LMAO.

K. Time to sleep before I offend anyone.

I don't normally listen to Rob Thomas, but it's the only available music on my sis' computer. The CD actually belongs to my mum. ^_^

I finished reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. My bro and I started 'discussing' it (how geeky eh?) but what 's even geeky-er, was our discussion with our two friends from church about this book (both have doctrates, AFAIK — not in Literature, mind you. :P) Anyway, if you haven't gotten into the books, I would recommend that you start now… Or wait 'til Book 7 is released, then read the entire lot. You won't be disappointed. I think. 🙂

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