ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]


Last night, I suffered some very very bad bathroom episodes, and while pondering about this annoyance as I sat on my 'throne', I narrowed it down to some bad “Trader Joe's” strawberry juice. Curse you FRESH STRAWBERRY JUICE.

After taking some Prince of Wales tea and a tablet of Imodium A/D, the annoyance somewhat died down and I went to bed without supper (but for the tea).

This morning, my mom — who will be flying to the Philippines tonight for my grandpa's funeral — told me that I need to take it easy and just eat saltine crackers and more tea for breakfast. Ahhhh. I was soooo looking forward to eating the Carnitas they had for supper last night, too.

My point? Don't go drinking Trader Joe's Strawberry Juice, unless you're into that sitting-on-your-throne-for-hours-kind-of-thing. >.<

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