10km The Recaps Workout Records[Posted on ]

Results: Manhattan Beach 10K

Event: 28th Annual Manhattan Beach 10K
Distance: 6.20 miles (10 Kilometres) – actual: 6.38 miles
Time: 1:08:48 (PR)
Bib #: 1318
Date: October 1st, 2005

The course was tough! Let me take that back, the course was rated “tough to difficult” (or something like that) – rolling hills, so-called gradual (but steep!) incline, etc. Can you believe I actually PR'd this race, though? It was a tough race and I nearly gave up at mile 3, but my friend kept me in the race. Hehe. Thanks Mike. This is my last official race before the Chicago Marathon. Sounds a bit ominous, I know, but I'm going to be positive this entire week. I just gotta remind myself to cross-train, too.

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