ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Car still "in hiatus"; Shin pads 90% complete.

w00t. I made some great progress with my Quidditch costume today. I'm about 90% complete with the shin pads. I just need to stuff it with batting, seal it and then attach the straps. After that, Its on to the arm and hand pads, and then the robe… +_-

I tried starting my car again today. The goodnews is, I found the code for the radio… I also saved a bunch of money by switching to Geico… 😛 The bad news is, it still doesn't start. Stupid car. I need an upgrade. Maybe I'll heed Ralph's advise and get a Vespa. I looked it up on the DMV, I don't need a separate exam to get a motorized scooter. I can use the same Class C licence I have. Hmmmmm!

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