ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Car woes. Quidditch in 1 week.

My car didn't want to start yesterday. I think it's the alarm system that's messing up my vehicle. I unlocked the car using my keyless entry remote and then went in to start it. It wouldn't start. Then the alarm went off. So I turned off the alarm again using the remote and tried to start it again; it still wouldn't fire up. By this time, I glance to the radio and see the dreaded words “LOC”. Ugh. Stupid alarm system! I haven't tried it this morning (I'm hoping that the car had it's “rest” or summat) but this is such a HUGE inconvenience! I have to finish something by this week (see next P below) and not having a working car sux.

So what's this I need to get done? My Quidditch costume! ROFL. In the words of my li'l brudder Andreas… “DORK”. I don't care. I wanna have my Ravenclaw House, Quidditch costume. It'll be a great challenge because I have little to no skill with sewing stuff, but it shall be done! So yah, I have about a week to do that. Hey, I might even outline and post my work! Hehe…

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