ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

I think I'm going to catch a cold.

You know how sometimes, you can tell if you're going to be sick… Your throat begins to tingle and other symptoms appear. Well, I have been attempting to battle this illness so that it does not become, well, a cold. I guess not sleeping enough hours won't help (I've been an insomniac lately) but I'm hoping that doses of Emergen-C will prevent this illness from “materializing”. Rwaaaarrr!

Oh yah, if you play BF2, go download Xfire (www.xfire.com) and add me to your Friend's List. I go by “Mountaineer” on Xfire and RaDragon on BF2. Don't be a stranger unless of course, you're a stalker… Beware though, I'm a fairly competent sniper (in-game). ^_^

I forget to ring my bro this evening (was playing BF2… d'oh!) I hope he was able to wake up and go take his final. kthx… g'night!

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