ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Summit Adventure

Before I begin, I finally posted the Mammoth Midweek Madness photos:


It was particularly a kewl trip 'cuz my friend Dave, albeit a skier, was able film me while bombing down the slopes… Even if it was only about 40 seconds of video.

Anyway, back to Summit. It was not too bad. We had a snowboard newbie with us and it's always fun to teach. Of course, he chose to take “professional” classes first and then took the RaDragon-method course later that afternoon. 😛

I do not remember snowboarding at Snow Summit 2 years ago, so it all looked so new to me. The runs were not too bad as the snow was packed/groomed powder. They could've used more snow at the base, however, as it was really really packed (e.g., icy). Morning runs were ok, but the afternoon runs were much better… After 4pm, however, was when it got more challenging. Anyway, I had a bad wipeout towards the end of the day because: 1) My glasses, which have transitions lenses, weren't unshading; 2) I have poor eyesight at night; 3) My board caught something and that sent me flying about in a fairly ungraceful sommersault (or summat). I didn't hit my head but I did feel my neck creak. Seconds later, another boarder tripped behind me. I guess we both 'caught' something… I feel better now, but I still have limited movement when I turn my head to the left. >_< Time to visit the chiropractor?

Check out the photos, though! IMHO, they're better than my wipeout stories 😀


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