Workout Records[Posted on ]

Long Run Training: 10 miles (+ Race)

Distance: 10.01 miles (16.12 Kilometres)
Time: 2:02:14
Date: March 4th, 2006

Not too bad. This was a race/long training run. My sis and I ran to the race start line (about 1.3 miles away from our house) and while waiting for the race, I added a few quarter mile runs to fill up my 'run quota'. Race began and I paced myself well, mostly because I was racing behind this lady who had a steady pace, drafting on her wake. Not too bad, but I didn't do so well when she veered off to the 5K line and I had to continue on my own on the 10K line. That's where I sort of lost motivation and took so many walk breaks! I told myself that I need to be in better shape, hence I have to do my training runs during the week. Even with that, I haven't felt this good about running in a while. Tomorrow, instead of resting, I'm going to cross-train and then, for sure, do a 3 mile run on Tuesday. I'll post my race results in a separate entry, but it's not pretty… 😛

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