ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Fun weekend.

Well, a lot has happened this weekend… The Fiesta performance was a success — Claire took some photos and videos (*gasp*) of us being goofy on-stage… Iono if I'm brave (or shameless?) enough to post those, but she wanted copies so it'll prolly be posted on Myspace anyway. >_< I'm still on Footy cloud 9, the Walk For Life was pretty kewl and then I played the guitar (all the songs except for one) during mass! I, unfortunately, missed my 18-mile run (EEEEEEK!) cos I was too tired and I know I'm going to hurt because of that. My sis told me that I need to do 16 miles next week (instead of 14) and then I cannot miss my 20-miler on the weekend of the 13th... Anyway, time for my beauty rest -- have to drive to my client's office again tomorroz.

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