Workout Records[Posted on ]

Long Run Training: 20 miles

I did it — I ran 20 miles today. The weather was perfect, too — the sun didn't really start it's harsh shine until towards the end of my run (when I had about 4 miles left). I think I hit the wall at 13 miles, though, cos I kept stopping. Then I thought, even if I run really slow, it'll be better than walking at a 20 minute/mile pace… So I ran/jogged even if it was really really slow. It turned out ok cos it wasn't that slow! My average pace in this run was 12:36 minutes/mile. IMHO, that's pretty darn good cos I normally go 13 or even at a 14 minute pace on such long runs. As usual, I had my Clif SHOT Bloks and they helped a GREAT deal with keeping my energy levels up. I forgot to bring more salt packets, though, and only had one. I feel good that I accomplished this run. All my future training runs will taper down, now, leading up to my June 4th marathon. I'm more confident going to the marathon in San Diego, now, than I was when I did my Chicago marathon. TWENTY FREAKIN MILES RAN TODAY! LMAO. I didn't think I could do it… Oh yah, I burned like, 2,063 calories… ^_^

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