Footy Focus[Posted on ]

Gutted and Peeved.

I stood in line with a 'ticket' to go see my Boys in Blue at the Adidas store in Santa Monica, CA. I stood out there, on the promenade, for 3 and a half hours, chatting away with other Chelsea and England supporters trying to have a great time. I finally got to the front of the line (well, there were three people before me) and guess what the Adidas employees did? Yep, they blocked the door from the inside and locked it.

I didn't get to see Lamps, or Coley, or JT. I did get to see the back of Mr. Mourinho's head and Roman Abramovich walked past me, but I soooo wanted to see Lampard. The sad thing is, about 100 people were able to see the team and I can honesty say, only 30% of them were true supporters — the rest were out to just get autographs and probably make a profit on eBay; a great number barely knew that Chelsea would be there and two had the nerve to wear Portuguese kits with “C. Ronaldo” on the back. UGH.

So bummed right now. My only consolation was that I was interviewed for FSC (I think that was Nick Webster who was interviewing me) and I was 'caught' by a SkySports telly crew having sort of a row with a ManUre supporter.

Anyway, sorry Andy — didn't get that piece of paper signed, nor was I able to speak with Lampard for you, Yeovil Rat. 🙁

Enjoy these silly non-exciting photos:

The Store and Crowd:


The Bus:
the bus  
the bus

The back of Mourinho's head:
back of mourinho's head  
back of mourinho's head

Mr. Abramovich:
roman ambramovich  
roman ambramovich

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