ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Global Warming.

OK. WTH. It's the 2nd week of November and today, it felt like mid-summer! T'was over 95 degress Farenheit in the Valley and here in the Beach Cities, it was about 80 deg. Farenheit. I know it's a LOT hotter in other parts of the world but c'mon! (Sorry Mum), it's November. In California. Can we please have some cooler weather?! Anyway, the itchy rashes are resurfacing, hence this short rant. I'll try to post regularly on my giornale again. I miss this place. LOL.

Speaking of post, I'm so behind with my writing. I've only written like, 2000 words and it's been six days. I should be at 10K words by now. EEP!

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