ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

RPI Quarto

Neato. I'm actually keeping up with this Random Point-of-Interest, thingy! Anyway, here are the random sites I'd like to share today.

Exhibit 7: Giveaway of the Day
As the title (and URL) states, it's all about the freebies and at that site, there's one freebie per day. They range from screensavers to cool music apps, to burning software, and so on and so forth. Best of all… it's spyware/ad/malware-free!

Exhibit 8: Federation of American Scientists (FAS)
It's a group formed in 1945 and comprised of the atomic scientists from the Manhattan Project who "felt that scientists, engineers and other innovators had an ethical obligation to bring their knowledge and experience to bear on critical national decisions, especially pertaining to the technology they unleashed – the Atomic Bomb." lol, don't freak out. It has loads of cool (declassified) stuff, and other information like this page.


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