ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Random-Points-of-Interest, VI

Another lovely Tuesday edition of RPI and today, the sites will be "interactive" — probably not so randomly chosen either as they are paired as such. In any case, hope you enjoy the selections below!

Exhibit 11: The Crimson, Viridian and White Room
No, it's not about different colleges' chat rooms or anything like that. This site contains three Adobe/Macromedia Flash-driven puzzles. The gameplay is simple — click here and there, get an object — but it's what you need to do with the object that is quite clever. A perfect "work break" for anyone, er, at work! p.s., Be sure to select the "English" version, unless you can read/understand Japanese, of course.

Exhibit 12: Freedom
It's not a site about the War on Terror or anything like that. Another puzzle site but with a twist (and requires a bit more patience, IMHO). The landing page will explain the rules and you are going to need every bit of imagination to solve the riddles. The answers (mostly) come in the form of a page name, which you will input in your addressbar (e.g., level1.htm). This is actually a "game" you can play for an entire week if you are taking it slow.

Have fun and for my PC-using-friends, "ALT-TAB" is your BFF!

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