ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Online Shopping

I got paid yesterday but I stayed clear off the shops I'd normally drive to, to "browse" but really pick up something that I don't really need.

So naturally, I drove home.

However, I failed (nay, overlooked) the fact that I'm mostly an online shopper now. Upon returning to my somewhat-too-large-for-me-and-yet-oh-so-comfy-chair, I logged on to my favorite online stores: Amazon.com and The Longboard Store.

I navigated through the menus (on Amazon, via the search bar) and arrived at each product within 5 seconds flat; added the products to the cart and clicked on the "Keep Shopping" button wherein I spent another 5 to 10 minutes looking at other stuff I possibly do not need but then remembered that I did need something else and added that to the cart. The Checkout process was even more convenient and under 20 minutes I had just made a purchase (from two online shops) that were total luxuries and now, thinking about it, seemingly useless.

Technology owns me.

I got some ceramic bearings, angled riser pads and a pair of Trucker trucks. These'll all go on my newly acquired Sector Nine A-Frame bamboo board! w00t!

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