Workout Records[Posted on ]

Long Run Training: 10 miles

First day of April and I totally missed doing my yearly April Fools pranks this year. I hope it's not a sign of growing up or summat. >_< In any case; my run — as you can see, I made up for last week. Instead of running the prescribed 10 miles, I went for 13 miles today and it was pretty bad. Ok, maybe it wasn't so bad; I really think I'm improving, despite the fact that I have not been able to train during the week– I still average about 13:48 minutes/mile, though. This means, I walk more rather than run. 🙁 One thing that's pretty neat is I burned 1,354 calories. Of course, I didn't take into account the 200 calories as replenishment thanks to the ClifShot Bloks I take; it's basically a concentrated carbohydrate/potassium/electrolyte boost to keep me going. I eat 1 block every 30 minutes and each block has about 50 calories. It's yummy; tastes like gummi candy, sans the powdery texture. Next weekend, 15 miles. This week, it should be 3 miles on Tuesday, 7 miles on Wednesday, and then 4 miles on Thursday. If I can at least do a 3 and 7 miler, I think I'll be able to confidently tackle my 15 miler…Wish me luck!

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