ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Arr Peeh Eye Eleven

Warning, random sites below! Proceed with caution… lol.

Exhibit 21: Statistics: The Movie
I can honestly say that I have met and have had lunch with a "Hollywood" director. More like, eat-your-lunch-in-front-of-the-computer-and-converse-via-AIM-despite-being-3-feet-from-each-other. Hehehe. Anyway, that's his movie; he was in Cannes last year to present this film, as well. Of course, I'm still waiting for my invite to a movie premiere but in the meantime, let's share a movie moment, er, I mean, a movie website moment.

Exhibit 22: Animsan.net Concept Sketches
I love to draw. Unfortunately, I sux at drawring. So, the next best thing is to view this guy's awesome sketches and try to see how he does it. There are only a few on there but I'm hoping he's gonna post more *ahem* Anie? ^_^

Do hope you enjoy ze sites above. Auf Wieder-laters-ciao!

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