ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Laser Quest, Monopoly and Celery.

Nathan (Sharon and Joel's 8-year old boy) had his birthday party at Laser Quest on Saturday and what can I say… I had loads of fun! LOL. We played two, 15-minute games of laser tag and I have to say, 10 minutes into the first game, I was tired!! LOL I couldn't believe that playing laser tag takes a bit out of you… Then again, I am out of shape. Still, Nathan and his not-so-little buddies were roaming about and ganging up on the adults! ROFL. Of course, the second time around, we (the adults) got more intelligent and started planning tactics…. only to abandon them when the game started. Heheh. So much fun. I wanna play again. I'll be scanning the scoresheet later… rofl you'll see how competitive I got the second time around! (Look for my codename… Celery.)

So after that, we went to the Lacson's home and watched Nathan open his presents. One of the presents he received (from us) was the Monopoly board game… Remember Monopoly? Remember counting cash to pay rent and such? Well this version had debit cards! ROFL. It was fun playing the game again but even more fun making deals (i.e., trades) with Nathan's 5-year-old-uncle Sean. Good times.

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