ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Wholesale shopping.

It's fun to shop at Costco; I <3 the huge aisles and aisles of stuff! Like, where else can you get a 6 pound can of corn! That's delicious Del Monte quality people! 😉

6lbs canned corn

Costco is like, mini-America; a shower of cultures surround you along with massive amounts of food. Hehe. Anyway, you can understand my surprise (see Tweet from earlier today) when I saw a sign posted above these bags of rice:

rice restriction?!

I was like… WTFMATE?! 😉

It's all tongue-in-cheek, of course; I realise there's some sort of shortage going on right now and am totally sympathetic to those on the other side of the country (and world) who are having trouble with failed crops and such. It was just odd finding it at the mother-of-all-wholesale stores 😉

I wonder if you can eBay sacks of rice… I keeed! ^_^

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