ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]


So I've decided that I will sign up for the 2009 Hermosa Beach Triathlon; it's in October next year so that gives me PLENTY of time to train, get the proper gear, etc. I was considering of doing it this October but after my failure at San Diego (or should I just call it, a 'learning experience'), I'm going to scratch off any "new" sport for now; of course, I have a 1/2 marathon on my birthday (October 19!) and another 1/2 marathon in San Antonio, TX a month after that… In other words, I still have to train, but am sticking to running this year.

Anyway, back to the pseudo-training; I went to our local plunge (no, it wasn't bad swimming in a public pool) and tried to do some laps; well, I was only able to do 6 laps (in about 30 minutes >_< ) before I called it quits. Keep in mind, after every other lap, I'd take a breather! Ooof. I'm so outta shape. The HB Tri is basically a 1/4 mile swim (about 400 metres). I did the maths in my head and was going for at least 8 laps. I should probably have set my goal lower, i.e., 4 laps; then I would've felt much better afterwards. At least I can make it to each end without stopping in the middle now! LOL.

I don't know if I'm going to dedicated tri bike, too; they're so expensive and I'd rather spend that moolah on other goodies… I need to convince my sis to lend me her road bike, which she borrowed from a friend anyway! Hehe… Then there's the wetsuit; I'm looking at the tri wetsuits and they're uber expensive, too. Ugh. This is why running is the best sport; buy a pair of good running shoes, open your front door and go run! LOL. Baby steps… I gotta make sure I can swim 400 metres… One of these days, I gotta practise swimming in the ocean, too. Eep. Ok, I'm getting ahead of myself… baby steps!

Sheryl… wanna do a triathlon next year? Hehehe..

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