Workout Records[Posted on ]

Long Run Training: 6 miles

Because of my hectic schedule this weekend (and thanks to Sheryl’s idea!) rather than skip this last run before the race, I’ve decided to run it this morning. My plan was to get up at 6:45AM and be by the strand by 7:10AM; naturally, I didn’t do so well — I did get up at 6:45AM but ended up being at the strand around 7:38AM! LOL. The temperature was cool but for the last 3 miles running back and into the sun. I was trying to convince myself that this is the sort of training I need to survive the possible heat in Texas but I give up too easily and found a nice shaded street where I continued my run! I ran most of the time but still not to my liking… Average pace was 12:33 min/mile and burned 608 calories. That’s not too bad considering I had pizza for lunch yesterday! AHHH.

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