Workout Records[Posted on ]

Long Run Training (15 miles)

There were to be technology-related shenanigans in this run and it started with my Garmin foot pod not properly connecting to the Forerunner 50. I should’ve known better (i.e., prep my technology just as I do prep my nutrition before walking out the front door) but I ran into these errors at the run site. It also didn’t help that my (also Garmin) heart-rate monitor failed on me — it wouldn’t send the correct heart-rate and thus, kept beeping the entire time I was out. I was at least able to depend upon my Nike+ to keep me relatively on-track in terms of distance but that eventually failed, too and I didn’t notice until like, 10 minutes after the music stopped playing! LMFAO. By that time, I had already made the half-way point and turned around.

Here were the finer points in my training run, though:

  • I shaved off a good 6 1/2 minutes with the whole refilling my water bottle and dropping a tablet of Nuun process. See my Surf City USA race report for that blunder. I’m still figuring out the best way to pack my Nuun into separate tablets so it’s easier to drop in the water bottle though. Opening that little tube takes a bit of effort, especially when you’re 9 miles into a run and kinda don’t have hand-eye-coordination! LOL
  • Considering I had only ran 4 miles during the week, this turned out to be a great run regarding pace and effort. Then again, I don’t have the stats to back it up (did I mention my Garmin watch ran out of memory? Hahah it couldn’t even keep track of the time).

Again, no stats but I swear I did my 15-miler. 😉

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