Workout Records[Posted on ]

Long Run Training (17 miles)

What can I say, I sucked at this run. There was something different about today and I kind of felt it less than half a mile into my run. Was it the weather? It was somewhat warm when we (Irene and I) started at the wall and it kind of got warmer as we "parted ways" 4 miles into the run — I actually was slowing down and told her to go ahead. After that, it just basically went downhill; downhill in a sense that I stopped running and just began to walk more. This unplanned run/walk would go on for another 2 miles when I finally turned around, knowing I'd only have 12 miles by the time I get to the wall and would have to run to Redondo Beach to complete the 17. Well, when I turned around, I hardly ran anymore — I was just walking!! I wasn't having difficulty breathing or anything like that, sure my feet hurt* but that's because I had been walking most of the time. I literally just walked the entire way back and then for one reason or another, was able to convince Irene to walk with me to complete the mileage! LOL.

So yeah, 17 miles; 4 miles doing fine; at 6 miles struggling with unscheduled walks and the final 11 miles at walking pace!!!! AHHHHH. It didn't help that I was wearing a long sleeved shirt and yoga trousers. I knew I should've worn shorts; iono what came over me this morning.

It was really a dismal training run but I have to thank Irene publically for pushing me to at least walk to complete the mileage cos I wanted to give up. Today was just not my (running) day. Ugh. I really have to do my mid-week training and do some resistance training on the odd days because at this rate, I'm going to have my first "DNF" at Camp Pendleton. 🙁

Anyway, running stats are below… I think I have to calibrate Garmin cos it didn't count the mileage much when I was walking! LOL.

Garmin connect; Nike+:


*I have these really nasty (and painful) blisters at the base of my foot and by my heel. LOL Sheryl, it's not "Run Fat Boy Run" huge but you get the picture… gross! hahahahaha…

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