ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

April Fools.

I officially “know” someone who was born on the 1st of April. Poor guy probably went through the whole “I got you a Ferarri for your Birfday” deal and then the parent would be like… April Fools. LMFAO. I just made that up but I really now know someone born on the 1st.

Here’s a non-April 1st prank: Raffle for $100 gift certificate to OnlineShoes.com. Checkit — this Chic Runner was contacted by the company directly and offered her that giveaway. How friggin’ cool is that? So just click on her name (or here) and post in the comments section of her blog.

On a more serious note, Sheryl and I are officially forming the company IM Ideas (www.imideas.com). We have yet to be incorporated (in Delaware, no doubt) and have yet to find an angel investor (though, most likely it’ll be big sis) on that note, we’ve yet to have a product or service, either — but at least we have the company name. YAY. So watch out *insertBlueChipCompanyNameHere* IM Ideas is coming soon… 😉


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