ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Pantry Raid!

Finding food in our pantry was quite the challenge. Essentially, you would need a compass, or rope, or breadcrumbs just to make sure that you can find your way out. Ok, so I exaggerate, but you would at least need a torch to light your way as you claw about. It’s probably one of those days that I decided (before lunch) to re-organise the pantry. Thinking it would only take me 30 minutes to do the task (also thought that it would also help build my appetite for lunch), some OCB got the better of me and I ended up spending just about two hours replacing and throwing away gross/expired goods. >_<

Some of the stuff I found:

  • cough syrup that expired in March 2007
  • “Freeky Fries” (chips from Italy which expired in 2008; but mum brought it home with her when she visited in 2007!)
  • Trader Joe’s/Whole Foods lady fingers (expired in 2005)
  • …and finally, an acorn (yes, acorn) wrapped in a paper towel ?!

It was actually sad to see myself throw away the half-eaten cookies, expired cashew nuts (there was still 40% left in the container), several opened but now stale (and expired) crisps… It made me realise that we were rather wasteful! Like, I saw two opened packets of Terra chips! I’m guessing one person didn’t know that the other had a packet opened so both were opened and partially consumed.  *sigh*

Just hoping that this re-organised pantry will make my sibling(s) and I more mindful of what we eat (and at least attempt to consume the lot we bring home from the store!)

Photos below for posterity (it was actually Sheryl‘s idea to take pics! hahaha) 😉

Figuring out what to keep and what to throw away

Cluttered Pantry - Blurred to protect the innocent lol

Cluttered Pantry - Blurred to protect the innocent lol



The medicine/vitamin corner

The medicine/vitamin corner

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Yes, we like our Ziplock products.

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