ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Nineteen days and counting down…

…until the Inaugural Camp Pendleton Hard Corps Marathon and I think I’m freaking out. My right calf feels fine now but the troublesome left calf is still, well, bothering me. The recovery process cannot go fast enough and I fear that I won’t be fully fit for this weekend’s 20-miler. I will go swimming tomorrow, though, so in terms of general fitness, I should be ok. ZOMG. I’m scurred…  >_<

Here’s what I can expect from the HC Marathon:

– Inaugural Hard Corps Marathon Technical T-shirt guaranteed
– Great finisher medallion presented when you finish the event
– Generous Goody Bag

Technical info: 
– Chip timing
– USA Track & Field Certified Course
– Aid stations every 2 miles and tremendous course support

Even more goodies:
– Free Carbo-Load dinner the night before the event
– Free Beer Garden for participants
– 3-day expo with giveaways and drawings
– Live music on the course and at the finish line

Guinness Book of World Records worthy:
– Only marathon in the United States to be held on a military base

Since there will only be 4,000 participants, it’s going to be a rather small affair… And since there’s a 6-hour time limit (13:40 pace), most running it will probably leave me behind and I shall embarrassingly be running on my own. AHHHHH!!! Why the heck did I register for this race again?!

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