ze Brain Farts[Posted on ]

Good Friday

It’s not exactly Liturgically correct to update my background to reflect some sort of Spring/Easter theme but I know I won’t have time this weekend to do so… so, advance Happy Easter to all!

I’ll be swimming later today with big sis (who has the day-off, too) and then tomorroz… the 20-miler. AHHHH. I really should take it in a stride (or step) -at-a-time but I know that during my run tomorroz, I won’t be able to stop myself from thinking about the Hard Corps marathon and the dreaded 6-hour time limit.

Positive thinking! The good news: I’ve run more (trained more) than I have in the past. LOL. I think I’ve done more training runs than when I last PR’d my marathon (back in June 2005). So yeah. The bad news: I don’t even want to list the stuff that’s happened (i.e., injury). Positive thinking!

Oh, I’ll be updating my iPod’s playlist later today. I finally got the replacement iPod sensor for my Nike+ thingy so I should be good to go tomorroz. Back to the playlist, I’m adding some inspirational talk in-between my musak; actually, at the moment, they’re more like reminders — lol see below.

Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.

if you can’t decipher what she’s trying to say, try this guy instead:

Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.

LOL! I’m sure I’ll freak myself out on the course with these intermissions! I’m fitting them in every 30 minutes (or thereabouts).  If you want to make your own “inspirational reminders” or just have fun, head over to the AT&T Labs Text-to-Speech application.


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