Workout Records[Posted on ]

Long Run training (20 miles)

Well, I haven’t run in a while (due to calf ‘injury’) so this first time out after at least a week and a half without running was actually pretty good. At least it started off that way until I realised that my new Nike+ iPod sensor had to be calibrated again. >_< Reported distance on Nike+ is 22.18 miles whilst on Garmin, it’s more of 19.40 miles. AHHHHHH.

Good news: I started and remained strong until the 17th mile when I realised that the Garmin was “behind” — My extra effort with putting together my “marathon” playlist paid off as the time when I normally hit the wall (lol around 13 miles), is when I placed a really great song (which is too cheesy to list, btw). ^_^ The bad news: I still gotta work on my mind playing games with itself lol… The whole mileage discrepancy really put a damper on my running so I ran/walk the rest of the 3 miles and apparently, I needed another .60 miles to make Garmin say I did 20. UGH. I knew there was something off when it was still under 4 hours and I was close to the 20-mile mark! lol… I know I am getting back to my previous pace but I knew I wasn’t that fast 😉

Oh other notes: I got this Skin-on-Skin blister kit and it worked GRRRREAT! ^_^ Also, I kinda had the same tummy trouble towards mile 10 but instead of completely taking off my running belt, I just held the water bottle in my hands for a while and it totally helped. I don’t need to get a new running belt/water bottle holder after all.

Ah, last but not least, my problematic left calf held up OK! WHEEEE. Now I just have to stretch it before bedtime and roll The Stick on my still tired muscles. I just really need to work on the mental aspect and I really think I can finish under 6 hours on the 25th!

Stats: Garmin Connect; Nike+

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